Top 10 Best Countries To Study In The World 2023 | Yahoo News CNN

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Making the decision to study outside your home country can be challenging, however, it is an excellent opportunity to broaden your vision of the world, develop skills you did not know, and test yourself as an independent and responsible person. Today we want to talk about the Best countries to study in and why you should take them into account.

When leaving your country you will face a lot of possibilities and decisions that you will have to handle in the best way, even before traveling, you will have already had to make one of the most important determinations, the destination.

As you should know, circumstances often vary from place to place, as do experiences and purposes. Therefore, in this article, we want to guide you through the description of some of the best countries to study today.

Remember that having the opportunity to leave the country not only represents the possibility of making new friends but a total change in your mentality, and professional and academic growth. If all these benefits do not seem enough, keep reading this article because here you will find other reasons that will make you want to travel immediately to one of the best countries to study.

Why are they considered the best countries to study and work in?

It is true that we have all asked ourselves the question of what will be the best destination and why. The truth is that to make this article we have based ourselves on the positions provided by the QS Best Students Cities of 2019 and the Best Countries 2020 of US News, which evaluate different variables such as quality of life, cultural influence, and entrepreneurship opportunities, among others.

List of the best countries to study in this year 2022

1. Australia

Today, the country of kangaroos is very popular among international students as it allows access to abundant academic offers and offers the possibility of working legally. In general, a detail that we usually highlight for our travelers to choose this destination is the quality and prestige worldwide that the educational institutions and universities of the country have.

In addition to this, another reason that is usually important for our travelers is the level of security that the country has. It is even said that most of the Australian population is adults and that for this reason, the Australian government is open to the immigration processes of new international students. In fact, nowadays it is easy to find people from different parts of the world.

Now, if we talk about cultural issues, it is often said that Australians stand out for being friendly and warm people who will help you feel at home once you start this adventure.

Australia is a country that has a variety of impressive fauna and flora although we must emphasize that its greatest attraction is in its marine area.

What is it like to study and work in Australia?

Australia is considered one of the best countries to study and work, here foreigners with student visas have permission to work for up to 40 hours fortnightly; as long as they are enrolled in an academic year either level of English, diplomas, or undergraduate and postgraduate studies.

During the holiday period, students have the possibility to work full days so that they can earn more money.

As for the requirements to obtain a student visa in Australia you should know that you will have to be over 16 years old or over 18 years old in case you want to work, otherwise, you must have the endorsement of your parents and the college. In addition to this, you must be enrolled in an authorized Australian educational institution.

Other documents that you must add to the application are your valid passport and your student health insurance, which will provide the Australian government with the assurance that you have an entity that supports any emergency, accident, or illness.

In addition to this, it is necessary that you write a letter of intent, where you express the reasons why you want to travel and study in Australia.

How much does it cost to study in Australia?

Although it is difficult to give you an exact figure we can say that for this process you will have to take into account 3 basic values, which are:

  • Visa fee that costs about $545 Australian dollars
  • The biometrics test is worth $33 Australian dollars
  • The medical exams have a value of $290,000 Colombian pesos.

Now, if the idea you have is to study English in the country you should know that a week, of course, has an approximate cost of 200 Australian dollars, so if we talk about a 3-month course in a recognized school, you could be paying about $ 2,400 Australian dollars.

If, on the other hand, you want to start technical training, you must consider aspects such as duration and institution. Typically, a 3-month course costs approximately A$2,400. While a 12-month one can cost up to about 10,400 Australian dollars.

If you are thinking of doing a university degree, or a master's degree, you should know that prices start from about 18,000 Australian dollars per year and in the case of master's degrees, the price per year can reach an average rate of 22,000 Australian dollars.

If you want to find detailed information, you can read it on the official website of the Australian embassy.

2. Canada

Canada is a place that we decided to add to our list of best countries to study since it is an option that stands out among many. The truth is that many international students decide to travel to this country because of its economic stability and the migratory agreements it has.

This nation is located in North America and has one of the highest standards of quality of life issues in the world. It has also been recognized as one of the best places to learn English.

In addition, it has one of the lowest levels of crime in the world. Its economy is one of the strongest in the world so it makes the country an excellent destination for professionals from all over the world.

What is it like to study and work in Canada?

When it comes to traveling to one of the best countries to study you should start by determining what requirements you must meet. Canada is a country that offers a wide variety of programs and visas, therefore, you need to read very well or inform yourself about what is the ideal permit for you.

Before choosing this destination you should know that in case you want to work you must meet certain requirements since in all cases you will not be able to do so. To make this clearer we must say that if you want to study English in Canada, you will not be able to work.

On the contrary, if you decide to study at a public university or college, you can work and have the possibility to carry out your work practices as a professional through the CO-OP study programs.

However, if you want to delve deeper into these topics, we invite you to read the following articles:

We also advise you to visit the official website of the Canadian government to clarify all the doubts you have.

How much does it cost to study in Canada?

If you want to travel to the country to start an English course you should know that intensive programs have an average cost of 230 Canadian dollars per week. Now, if you plan to enroll in a program of at least 3 months you should know that the cost is around 2,760 Canadian dollars.

If you are thinking of enrolling in a university career, a year of studies in Canada is around 20,000 Canadian dollars and in the case that you are looking for study and work programs you should be clear that usually the investment usually starts at approximately 8,000 Canadian dollars. So in a program of 9 months of study and 9 months of work, it could cost you about $ 11,500 Canadian dollars approximately.

3. New Zealand

New Zealand is considered one of the best countries to study since a few years ago they adopted the education system of the United Kingdom, which has allowed them to appear as an educational power, especially for international students. In addition to this, the country has a low population rate, so foreigners are usually very well-received.

This country has beautiful landscapes, which have become an attraction for tourists from all over the world. So if you are thinking of choosing this destination, we assure you that you will never get bored because you will always have a list of adventures and new places to discover.

Job opportunities as well as destinations are plentiful and well-paid. Therefore, the quality of life is excellent compared to other countries. Undoubtedly one of the charms of the country and why it attracts so many students is the possibility it offers to obtain a job at the end of some study programs.

What is it like to study and work in New Zealand?

To study in New Zealand, you will need to enroll in an authorized educational institution. Once you have the certificate that endorses this registration you can apply for a student visa. Remember that you must include in your application the payment of medical insurance and the money necessary to cover your stay in the country.

An important detail that you should know is that to study and work in New Zealand you can use the same visa. This permit authorizes you to work up to 20 hours a week, in addition, it credits you not to pay taxes on your salary which will allow you to receive more money and pay your expenses. Keep in mind that during the holiday season, you can work full-time.

How much does it cost to study in New Zealand?

As we have told you before, it is very difficult to give exact prices because they depend on factors such as the institution, city, and the program you choose. In general, if you want to study English you would spend approximately 230 New Zealand dollars a week. While if you lean towards an economic vocational training course you will have to pay approximately $ 9,000 New Zealand dollars and for a more expensive one about $ 19,000 New Zealand dollars.

As for the cost of the student visa, you will have to pay around $ 297 New Zealand dollars. In addition, extra expenses such as passport reception, embassy reception, and medical examinations, among others.

Another detail that you should consider is the time it takes to process, this can take between 15 days to 2 months. In this aspect, we advise you to have a lot of patience. On the other hand, if you want to know more details about the student visa, we invite you to read the updated requirements on the official website of the New Zealand government.

4. Ireland

If you decide to travel to Ireland, you will be making an excellent decision since you would be starting your project in one of the best countries to study. Ireland is one of the most hospitable areas in Europe as it is said that the Irish love foreigners.

Its capital called Dublin is one of the most important cities at the university level, there are some of the best educational institutions in the world. In addition, if your goal is to learn English you can find recognized teaching centers although we must clarify that the Irish accent usually requires a little more effort.

What is it like to study and work in Ireland?

Ireland is the only country in Europe that allows foreigners on student visas to work. Therefore, with any type of study program you choose, you will be able to find work legally. For example, if you want to study English and enroll in a 15-hour weekly course, you will be entitled to 20 hours of work. Now, if you choose a course of about 6 months where you will have vacations you should know that in that period you can work up to 40 hours.

Currently, most programs to learn English are designed to give you the possibility to work. In addition, the student visa provides the opportunity to make up to 3 extensions for 2 years. In general, people who tend to manage their finances very well usually pay for the total of their studies with what they earn working.

How much does it cost to study in Ireland?

If you want to study at a university in Ireland, you can enroll in a program or professional career with a duration of 3 years between $ 9,000 and $ 12,000 euros.

If, on the other hand, you plan to study English you should know that a week of the course in Dublin can cost $ 180 euros while in Galway it has an approximate cost of $ 220 euros.

5. Malta

Malta despite being a small island in the Mediterranean is considered one of the best countries to study as many foreigners come to learn English. This paradisiacal destination has beautiful landscapes and beautiful beaches.

Malta is a 100% safe island, in fact, its crime and delinquency rates are the lowest in the world. We could even say that it is one of the safest countries in Europe. In addition, its transport system is considered efficient and very economical and its capital is considered by UNESCO a World Heritage Site, thanks to the architectural wealth it has.

What is it like to study and work in Malta?

This country offers the opportunity to foreign students to work while taking a course or an academic program. However, one of the requirements that must be met is the duration, these courses must have a time of more than 12 weeks.

Once you meet this condition you can obtain a permit to work 20 hours a week.

An important detail that you should know, is that to get a job and work in Malta, it is necessary to register with a national employment agency. In addition, you must have obtained a job offer before applying for a work permit.

Once you comply with what we have just mentioned, you can apply for your work permit to complement the student visa. This procedure usually has an average cost of USD $ 168 apart from the other procedures.

How much does it cost to study in Malta?

If you want to follow our advice, we would tell you that the best option to enter Malta is to learn English. Currently, this is the program with the greatest supply and demand among students from all over the world.

Prices vary depending on the institution and duration of the courses you choose. In addition, some of these academic programs already contemplate the value of accommodation along with the course. That is, if you choose a 6-month course, the average cost will be about $ 8,000 euros.

6. Japan

Japan is another of the best countries to study since it is within the rankings that measure the best educational systems in the world. This destination occupies the first position in terms of the capacity they have for innovation and discipline.

This country uses an educational model known as Sokka, which is based on happiness and tries to add value to the creation process. Although we must clarify that it is not replicated in all institutions in the country, this model has provided evidence for educational quality.

Therefore, the University of Tokyo ranked 24th in the QS Global World University Rankings.

On the other hand, in terms of labor issues, we must say that this country is still conservative on the issue of immigration although they have new offers to attract talents who want to show their full potential in the techno motor area. So if you decide to venture into this area you can receive an average annual salary of 42,853 euros.

7. Switzerland

Switzerland is another of the best countries to study since in the same place you will have the possibility to learn up to 4 official languages, this depends on the place where you are going to spend a season. The country's official languages are French, German, Italian, and Romansh, although only 0.5% of Swiss speak the latter.

We have decided to include Switzerland in our list of best countries to study since 2 of its universities are among the 70 best in the world, however, you should know that the cost of living for a student is one of the most expensive. For example, renting a 45-meter apartment in a normal area of the country usually costs about $1,350.

Despite its high cost of living, this country has one of the lowest unemployment rates in 2020. It also offers opportunities for foreigners to work in the country without a problem. That we must clarify that each year the quotas are limited and the government gives priority to citizens of the European Union.

8. England

In our number 8 position is England, another of the best countries to study due to its place in the Qs Best Student Cities list of 2019. Although this position has been achieved by its main city, London, we must say that throughout the country are other of the best universities in the United Kingdom. In fact, 18 of them are included in the list of the 100 best universities in the world since it is an area known for projecting knowledge.

As for the cost of living, we must say that it is another of the most expensive destinations to live in. Here an apartment of 45 meters in a normal area can cost up to 1,100 USD.

9. Germany

Germany is recognized for being the country with the most native people in all of Europe, for its famous and traditional beer, and for its delicious sausages. The truth is that we decided to include this famous destination on our list of best countries to study for its level of popularity among students and for its educational system. In fact, its fame is mainly due to this topic, the German educational system is designed to achieve goals such as excellence, even its model has 3 stages of training known as gymnasium, to access the university, and Realschule or hauptschule to obtain a technical education.

On the other hand, we must tell you that the unemployment rate is 4.5%, which represents one of the lowest in the world. So if your plan is to work in Germany you should know that they have just passed the Skilled Workers Immigration Act to hire medical staff, engineers,, and MINT (mathematics, science) professionals.

10. United States

The United States is another of the best countries to study and work in since the city of Boston is ranked number 12 on the list of Top Universities. In addition, it is home to 27 universities of international stature, some of them as important as MIT or Harvard.

So if your dream has always been to live and study in the United States, don't think about it anymore. This destination boasts some of the highest-paying jobs in areas such as technology development, science, and medicine. So if you gather any of this knowledge, you will be unstoppable.

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