Living And Studying In Valletta 2023 Tips, Courses And Cost | Yahoo News CNN

Image Credit: Priscilla Du Preez

There is a place, in the southern Mediterranean, between North Africa and Europe, where the sun shines at least 300 of the 365 days of the year, you can enjoy wonderful beaches and learn from European history, we refer to Malta. The Republic of Malta is made up of three islands: Malta, Gozo, and Comino, and each of them holds pieces of the European past and offers many things to see and enjoy. Living and studying in Valletta keep reading and we will tell you everything you need to know.

This time we want to tell you a little more about the capital city of Malta: Valletta, this ancient city keeps among its territory ancient treasures at every step. In La Veleta and its surroundings, most of Malta's educational institutions are concentrated, so it is a great idea to live and study in Valletta.

Although Valletta is one of the smallest capital cities in the world, with a territory of less than one square kilometer, you will be surprised at how much this charming Mediterranean city can offer you.

7 Reasons To Live And Study In Valletta

In Valletta, Malta's history comes alive. Founded by the Order of the Knights Hospitaller of St. John, also called the Order of Malta, in 1566, Valletta is a baroque city, with a clear love for historic preservation but also with original bars, cafes, and restaurants.

Valletta is an impressive city, and being small you can easily explore it on foot or by bicycle, however, do not think that it will take you little time to travel in depth because there is much to do and much to see if you are going to live and study in Valletta.

1. The European Capital of Culture

A good reason to live and study in Valletta is its immense cultural character. This city was named in 2018 as the European Capital of Culture, and how can it not be? If basically, Valletta is an open-air museum.

Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans, Byzantines, Normans, knights of the Order of St. John, French, and English have passed through these lands leaving their mark on the history of the island. Palaces, churches, hostels, and other noble buildings were built in it, as well as a defensive system based on forts, bastions, and walls that 500 years later have stood the test of time.

Many of these historic buildings and other newer, more modern venues are usually the main stages of the major cultural events that are organized annually in Valletta. A city where you can breathe culture and history at every step.

2. A feast for your palate

In Valletta, you eat well. You can enjoy an interesting menu in the streets of Valletta, and we do not refer to the most touristic restaurants but rather to those gastronomic treasures that are in the secondary streets of the city.

Rabbit stew, fresh grilled fish, ricotta cheesecakes, and more local delicacies will delight you. There are also places for all budgets and there is a vast selection of European cuisine. You can visit the Capri Caffe, the elegant Caffe Cordina, the vintage Cafe Jubilee, or the Piadina Café where you can taste some Maltese-style ravioli.

3. Pleasant oceanfront climate

Malta enjoys an incredible climate and Valletta is no exception, with more than 300 days a year of sunshine, more than three thousand hours of sunlight a year with moderate winters, any time of the year is good to visit this city. In April summer begins and the beaches of Valletta begin to fill with people, however, the busiest time of the year is in July and August, months in which the influx of tourists increases.

But you can easily get away from the crowds and go in search of more remote natural spaces. You can for example find paths within the city that will take you to hidden beaches, small swimming areas, secret tunnels from the Fort to the sea, and other places that will allow you to appreciate all the beauty and mystery of living and studying in Valletta.

Another great way to enjoy the weather and sea of this city is to take boat tours to the surrounding islands, where you can relax and enjoy the stunning scenery while heading to other interesting areas of Valletta.

4. World Heritage

Valletta's architectural and cultural heritage has earned it the designation of a World Heritage Site, the whole city is a great heritage that reminds us of the history of humanity in this part of the world. Its collection of baroque architecture between military forts and a now-dry moat surrounding the city makes its visitors feel that they are for a moment in the past. Its prominent churches, domes, colorful townhouses, and curious neighbors on the balconies give the city a style that will make you fall in love.

In addition, each of its buildings has a history behind it, this cultural richness combined with its history and majestic buildings will make living and studying in Valletta an unforgettable experience. You can get lost among its 25 imposing churches, castles, museums, exhibitions, elegant theaters, and elevated gardens, among others, which make this city of only 80 hectares one of the areas that concentrate more historical places in the world, confirmed by UNESCO.

5. Nightlife

Being Valletta a tourist destination of sea and beach, the nightlife that you can enjoy when living and studying in Valletta will enchant you, since in this city the nights are full of life among its al fresco restaurants, sophisticated bars to taste wine, auditoriums with live music and spectacular bars.

In the nineteenth century, American and British sailors gathered on the so-called Strain Street to drink and enjoy life, the place was known as The Gut and attracted visitors to the city almost to the same extent as its beautiful architecture, this tradition was forgotten when Malta became independent, however, in recent years the area has been renovated and has returned to be a meeting point to spend an Unforgettable night, eating, drinking and talking. Here you can find the famous The Pub, which attracts many visitors who love history and good beer.

6. The University of Malta

If your desire is to live and study in Valletta, you will surely love to know that this city is home to the campus of the amazing University of Malta. This institution has more than 400 years of history and is a leader in education in the country. At the University of Malta, you can find educational options to excel in arts, sciences, and humanities. Its courses are designed to train highly qualified professionals in multiple disciplines.

You can also choose from many diplomas, and undergraduate and postgraduate degrees according to your area of professional interest, as the University of Malta has 14 faculties and is supported by many interdisciplinary institutes and a college. All education is taught in English and meets the highest standards of teaching and research. If you want to live and study in Valletta you can investigate more of this prestigious university.

7. English is spoken

One of the advantages of living and studying in Valletta is that you can communicate in English and you don't necessarily have to know Maltese to tour the city. Since 1964 Malta was a British colony, and English is one of its official languages. In addition to being an official language, it is chosen by academies and educational institutions to teach higher education. This is especially useful because if you want to study English you can practice it with complete freedom while touring and enjoying Valletta. And if on the other hand, you already master the language a little you can take the opportunity to take a professional course.

Learning English in Europe is a useful and practical way to develop new talent and discover a new experiential learning methodology, communicating in English will be extremely easy after living for a while in Valletta.

Although Maltese is a very common language, do not be surprised to also hear many locals communicate in Italian, this is due to the proximity of the island to Sicily and that the Italian television signal usually reaches the island, which makes it a language that is kept alive in the streets of Valletta.

Why Live And Study In Valletta?

As we have seen, there is no shortage of reasons to live and study in Valletta. The capital city of the Republic of Malta is a hidden treasure in the Mediterranean that every nomad should visit at least once in a lifetime. This historic and multicultural destination is almost magical, with places where the passage of time has stopped and other very modern areas. In Valletta, you move a stone and discover the history, so rich in cultural heritage is this city.

And if your thing is not so much the history but the atmosphere and being able to relax, because in Valletta you also have that, being a tourist city, full of university students, with wonderful beaches and a perfect climate almost all year round, the social life in Valletta is the most enjoyable.

Living and studying in Valletta will allow you to get the most out of a study trip since you will not only learn something new academically but you will also learn to manage independently and understand a different society, while sunbathing with a beer in hand, when you are not studying, of course.

How Much Does It Cost To Live And Study In Valletta In 2023?

As in any other European city, living and studying in Valletta can be somewhat expensive, but if you are a person who is organized with your expenses you probably will not have major problems paying for your stay. In Malta, the currency used is the euro, so this is the exchange rate we will handle.

Because there are very variable costs, such as tuition, which will depend on the time of study and the type of course you choose, we remind you that the costs that we will present below are only referential and that you should investigate the current prices when planning your trip to live and study in Valletta.

The cost of living is not excessively high in Valletta, although like other countries in Europe, everything will depend on the location you choose since for example to live, the most central places always have greater value. Also, because Valletta is on an island in the Mediterranean there are many products that need to be imported which increases their price for the consumer.

Here are some of the approximate costs of living and studying in Valletta in 2023:

One-piece apartment, €1200 per month

Basic Services, €110 per month

Dining out, €20

Public transport pass, €30 per month

A coffee, €2.90

A dozen eggs, €3.60

Chicken, €12.30 per kilo

A bottle of wine, €8

One liter of milk, €1.25

Fresh vegetables, €3.30 per kilo

A bread cover, €2.10

You should also keep in mind the cost of the visa, airfare, and international medical insurance that is essential for you to travel to study in a European country.

How Can I Go To Live Studying In Valletta?

It all depends on your nationality since the Republic of Malta belongs to the Schengen territory, whose access is visa-free for students from certain countries with which the Schengen states have established agreements so that their residents can visit the European space for up to 90 days without any special authorization. Some of the countries that do not require a visa to visit Valletta are Argentina, Honduras, Israel, Japan, Costa Rica, Chile, Colombia, Brazil, Nicaragua, the United States, and Australia, among others.

Research the situation of your country regarding the Schengen visa so that you can know if you need to do a visa procedure. Of course, the other member countries of the space do not require a visa to visit each other. Now also, it is possible that you apply for a Schengen visa at the embassy of any other country in the Schengen area, this same visa will serve you to visit Valletta, as long as you enter Europe through the country that issued your visa.

The Schengen area consists of the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland, almost all members of the European Union, except Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Romania, and Ireland.

Visas To Study And Live In Valletta

If your country is not among those who can visit Europe without a visa do not worry since applying for one is simple, although it will take some time so we advise you to apply for it as soon as possible. You must remember that to apply for a study or work visa for Malta you must be in Valletta to make applications in person, so you must enter Malta with a tourist visa

Tourist visa (Schengen)

You will need to submit an official visa application form, and other important documents, you can do this procedure at the embassy of the country through which you plan to enter Europe. The essential documents that are requested to issue this visa are usually:

  • The official form duly completed
  • Passport valid and valid for the entire stay (or at least 6 months after travel)
  • Passport-size photographs
  • Medical insurance with a minimum coverage of 30,000 euros
  • Booking the round-trip ticket with the airline
  • Proof of hotel reservation during the total time of the trip (or if you plan to stay with a family member or friend you must include a Letter of Invitation from this person)
  • Economic certifications, which show that you can afford your travel expenses
  • Proof of financial means
  • You may also be asked for extra documents such as police records or medical certificates.

Student Visa

If you want to live and study in Valletta for more than 90 days, you will need a student visa, you must apply to the Maltese authorities, this procedure can be done in the same city of Valletta since the capital city is the governmental center of the nation.

To apply for this visa you must present all your documents in English or their translation must be notarized. Other requirements necessary for the application are:

  • The visa form was completed and filled out to perfection
  • Passport valid for the duration of your course
  • Proof of Enrolment or Letter of Acceptance from a Malta Educational Institution
  • Proof that you have a rented place to live
  • International medical insurance for the duration of the course
  • Proof that you plan to leave Malta once you have finished your studies, i.e. a return ticket or ferry ticket outside Malta.
  • Financial certifications proving you have at least €18 a day to survive while you are going to live and study in Valletta

With your student visa, you also have the option to work up to 15 hours per week during the months of study and up to 40 hours per week during the holidays. This is an important advantage as these working hours will help you defray your personal expenses and lead a lifestyle like living and studying in Valletta. Although, unfortunately, you will have to pay taxes to the government on your earnings, like any other Maltese citizen.

Work Visa

If you have definitely fallen in love with Valletta and neither three months nor a year of studies is enough for you, and if you want to advance professionally while living in this dream city you will require a work visa.

Now, this type of visa is not so easy to obtain because it is necessary to prove that your area of knowledge is unique and special and that no local professional can fill the position offered to you. So you will need to coordinate previously with your potential employer so that he justifies before the immigration authorities that a work visa is issued.

In addition, this job offer must be published on an official employment page of the Maltese government, since through it the entire hiring process must be carried out. As you will see the process is something complex but with patience and with an employer that really appreciates your abilities it is possible to achieve it. To apply for your visa to work in Malta you need:

  • Valid passport with color copies
  • Fill out the Identity Malta form with job specifications
  • Letter from your employer
  • Curriculum, European standard
  • Professional Title
  • Labor References
  • Signed contract
  • Copy of the Maltese arrival stamp in your passport
  • Passport size photos
  • Current health insurance
  • Proof that you have a place to live

What Can I Study In Valletta?

One of the main things you need to know to live and study in Valletta is English, and there are many academies that allow you to study this language in this beautiful city. And if you already know the language, you can do more advanced studies and get the most out of that student visa.

General English Courses

Valletta has prestigious General English academies that will help you achieve your goals in the management of this language. With a course of three months or more, you can learn to converse, read and write in English with ease. You also have the option of taking intensive courses that will give you the same results but in half the time, this already depends on how you prefer to use the time you have to live and study in Valletta.

Exam Preparation

Another thing that you can master perfectly in the classrooms of the English academies of Valletta is the requirements to pass the most prestigious English language proficiency tests: TOEFL, Cambridge, and IELTS, among others.

These exams are of great importance if you want to advance professionally in Malta, but they are also an indispensable tool to add to your resume as the nomad that you are.

Higher Education

As we mentioned before in Valletta you can find a campus of the University of Malta, as well as many other schools specialized in different professional areas, such as the Global Business School with careers such as Marketing, Hospitality and Luxury Business, Sports Management, Digital Marketing, Communication, among others.

In these educational institutions, you can specialize in different areas of study and become a professional in the area you most desire, with many options to choose from.

What Are The Best Places To Study In Valletta?

The University of Malta campus is an ideal place to go to study in Valletta, but it is not the only one, as there are other prestigious educational entities that you can also find in this small and historic city. If at the University of Malta, you do not find the ideal course for you, be sure to check:

Valletta Higher Education Institute

This institution specializes in Digital Arts, Animation, and Video Games. Since in recent years computers, video games, and other digital products have been gaining ground in our world, this institution makes possible the development of highly trained professionals in these areas.

This Institute offers to teach capable of motivating methodological, technical and applied skills to create functional and strategic technologies that can compete in today's audiovisual world. You can get a diploma in digital arts and continue until the master's degree and also on this campus you can study Gastronomic Sciences, a little variety is necessary.

Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology

The Faculty of Arts, Science, and Technology of Malta is a vocational training institution, not in Valletta but in the nearby town of Paola. This College offers you many opportunities for full-time vocational study, with over 180-course options to choose from. You can also take one of its 300 courses part-time or even sign up for a master's degree.

Founded in 2011, this College of arts, science, and technology collaborates with local industries to ensure that everything taught to future Maltese professionals is appropriate and relevant to the country's economy. Because their careers go hand in hand with the needs of industries, those who are trained in this institution are usually very successful in their professional lives. You can study different careers in the following faculties:

  • Institute of Applied Sciences
  • School of Creative Arts
  • Institute of Engineering and Transport
  • School of Business Management and Commerce
  • Community Services Institute
  • School of Information and Communication Technology

What Can I See In Valletta?

When you go to study and live in Valletta, you will be very close to great tourist attractions that you can not miss, in Nomads we recommend:

National Museum of Archaeology

Although you can find many museums in the capital of Malta, the National Museum of Archaeology is a must. It is located in the Auberge de Provence, a building built in 1571, and here you can see rooms provided with objects originating from the first human settlements in Malta dating from 5,000 BC.

The Walls of Valletta

These imposing buildings separate the modern area of Valletta from its old town. The villagers wanted to reinforce the security of the island and so it was that following the instructions of Francesco Laparelli, a disciple of Michelangelo, the construction of the fortifications of Valletta and its gridded roads began in the sixteenth century.

St. John's Co-Cathedral

You don't have to be religious to appreciate the baroque beauty of this jewel of Valletta, this church is one of the most imposing buildings you'll ever see. Inside you can see some works of Caravaggio, also here are buried the most important Knights of the Order, who founded the city. The entrance to this site costs ten euros.

Other impressive places that you should not miss when you go to live and study in Valletta are:

  • The Grand Master's Palace
  • The High Gardens of Barrakka
  • The Rocca Piccola House

We hope that now that you know a little more about this interesting Mediterranean city, listen to your Nomadic heart and give this world heritage site and all it has to offer you a chance.

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