Does Your Lawyer Have Malpractice Insurance? Yahoo News CNN

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If you were injured in an accident in Massachusetts, you have rights and may be able to get compensation for: your medical bills, time lost from work, pain, and suffering, and more. 

I spend a lot of time writing about topics of interest to you my potential clients. However, in the process of helping I have noticed that not many ask if their lawyer has malpractice insurance.

I know it's not the most intriguing question but listen to me for a moment. Once I explain what it is, and why it's helpful to know, you'll understand why it's such an important question.

For starters, malpractice insurance is an insurance policy that covers certain acts or omissions on the part of the attorney while they are representing a client that could cause financial damage. While obviously, the goal for an attorney is not to make mistakes, having this type of insurance helps lawyers cover financial losses if mistakes occur.

Keep in mind that it requires more than a verdict to be able to claim malpractice. Some of the types of malpractice include lack of knowledge of the law, insufficient investigation, negligence in serving documents, negligence in meeting deadlines, negligence in obtaining consent, conflicts of interest, and fraud.

If your attorney doesn't have malpractice insurance and makes a mistake that costs you the case, you could be harmed by losing compensation. In the state of Massachusetts, lawyers are not legally required to have this type of insurance, so it is worth finding out this before hiring a lawyer. You can find out which lawyers have malpractice insurance on

There is a lot to consider when hiring an attorney for your case and we want to help you make the best decision. Along with the suggestions in this article, check out our blog for more information on this topic and you can also download our free guide that talks about how to hire the right lawyer.

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